Friday, February 10, 2012

RMB: Ridiculous Meme Blog

I had a stroke of inspiration today while perusing the UARK Memes page on Facebook with Ed and Josh. Most are misused memes or just not funny. Some are pretty clever, but it's definitely a minority. We thought we could do a better job of producing homemade memes...

So obviously I made them on about the Razorback Marching Band

If you have other caption ideas, comment on this post or email me. 
There are more to come....

Enjoy. : ]

I would love feedback! Thanks for checking these out. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sometimes I wear my rainboots when it's sunny.

Or perhaps I wear them to slosh about in puddles of my own tears.
I jest; I jest.....

I did look at the weather at some point VERY early in the morning after a study cram session and saw rain coming. Maybe that was for Friday. Oops. 

My rainboots certainly are quite darling. They are a shade of Chelsea (Burris) green and of high quality. I didn't think I would particularly like short rainboots, but these are delightfully legitimate and I recommend them highly. The color on Amazon is NOT at all the color of the boots. 

This is more like it.

There were no puddles for my well-engineered rain garb today. The sun shone; the wind blew; the world kept turning with little regard paid to any unseen, unmentioned sturm und drang.

It's not just you German-loving/speaking folks who can throw out fancy foreign terms. Music history, ftw.
*if I could frat snap I would*

Speaking of music history - I enjoy color coding things. 
Above is a picture of my listening study guide for MUHS with decades similarly colored. Highlighted in rainbow order of course. I'm a highly visual learner, and I tend to capitalize on that. Additionally, putting things in rainbow order really toasts my bread.

Toast > bread. 

Unless it's fancy or delicate bread, in which case toasting could end in disaster or a destruction of intricate flavor layering. 

I am highly interested in baking my own bread. Or biscuits. Or scones. 
Oh, I do enjoy a good soft pretzel. I even delight heartily in boring small crunchy snack pretzels. I pick the salt off though. Why aren't saltless pretzels readily available yet? They are relatively healthy snacks except for the excess sodium. I believe things are generally better with less salt.

Tears are salty too, but I have not the power to separate bits of NaCl from them. With less salt, I believe even tears could be improved, albeit it just slightly.

Sodium is terribly unhealthy is great quantities, you know. 

Tears in great quantities can really make you think. 
FUN FACT: Did you know that emotional tears have a different chemical composition than that of those that lubricate our eyes or help flush out irritant substances?
Yup. Pretty cool, and I don't even care about science that much! You can read up about it on wiki.

Excess crying is also particularly annoying when wearing glasses. It's kinda similar to when it rains and you suddenly wish little baby windshield wipers would appear on the front of your glasses...


Take this guy. He's cool, collected, and not a bit worried about impaired vision due to rain. What a boss.

Or this guy. He's super pumped about those sweet sweet wipers. If only we could all be so frabjous. 

We could even just kick it like this hipster. He's probably jamming to something really obscure.

Point is, wiper shade are a worthwhile venture, as demonstrated effectively by the above fine men. Now, if we're talking tear wipers, it gets more complicated. You have to worry about taking out an eyelash with each wiper mishap or the possibility of sticking your eye if hit with a large blunt object right in the socket. It is an altogether inconvenient venture; I do not recommend it. 

The problem you face in the absence of a tear-wiper is the inevitable forward splash in any event of substantial tear production. These tend to dry quickly and leave an unfortunate stubborn residue on the inside of glasses. Silly salt and protein. 

Upon this most unfortunate event, your vision can be blurred. The tears form a translucent, gray skin squarely blocking once pristine vision. The weirdest part is the delay in noticing the blockage. You can go on hours with the gunk on the lenses, too busy with the bustle of life to notice. True view is distorted; suddenly you cannot feel right in your own world. There is too much gray, causing distress and initiating a creeping numbness. The sun shines a shade dimmer, and the clouds move more ominously. Hope fades, and somewhere in the world, a small innocent bunny stops hopping. 

Then suddenly in a moment of grace, He allows the unattractive grayish blobs to snap into view. In actuality, the distraction was mere product of excess, unhindered sorrow. Yes, things happen from time to time. Grief is an occasionally appropriate and widely accepted emotion. The real question lies in the following resolution. From where does it come? From whom? From what? 

If distracted by the very output of our sorrow, how shall we seek proper comfort? If the grayness of my tear stains make the world a sadder place, in turn heightening my sadness, what ends the cycle? Is my crushed spirit a mere source of shame? Are my tears little more than weakness in liquid form?
Certainly not. Even Jesus wept. 

My weaksauce body tends to fail. I get sick; I miscalculate and eat it on a sidewalk; my heart weighs heavy with burden; often my mind goes a bit nuts. I get dramatic or emotional or sensitive or irritated. I don't always say the best or right things at the right times. That is what it is. 

Alas, when I fail, my strength must come from the right place. I pray I someday understand an inkling of the extent of Him being my portion.

It's OK to weep sometimes. The tears don't last forever. The stains on glasses are easily removed with a dab of spit. See clearly again, take a breath, keep calm, and carry on. It can really feel good to have a release, a source of output of feelings too lofty to handle. What better time to practice reliance on something far greater. When the sturm und drang of life grow heavy, don't dare to bear it alone.

Even in a barren, lonely landscape of concrete, dirt, and trees, and academia... 
When it is far from practical...
When little more is gained than marginal happiness from sheer cuteness...
When you relate to Alice swimming in her tears...
When the ground is hard and dry and every last pothole on campus holds little more than air and dust...

It's OK to wear rainboots on a sunny day.

Keep on the sunny side, right? 

Always on the sunny side. That's what I say.