Today was marvelous.
It began with an attempt at a long night of sleep, something I could always use. It wasn't as lengthy as hoped, but restful enough with a bed time just at midnight. I woke up and worked on a blog post I intended to use this week. (It'll be utilized at some point... Probably.) After an hour or so, I woke up Bryan and proceeded to make us both a delicious cup of butter/coconut oil coffee. (Don't knock it 'til ya try it; it's freaking off the chain AND is super filling.) I'm always pleased to share my weird food and beverages with anyone who tolerates me.
After chilling for a while then getting ready, we went to Willow Lawn for a light but filling lunch at Zoë's Kitchen. The goal was to get just the food we'd eat, but even a Greek salad was too hefty for conquering. (That failed goal turned into leftovers to be enjoyed in the late afternoon and on.) Target was next, and we spent over an hour exploring the store and scanning for our newly made (and soon to be heavily adjusted) wedding registry. The adventure allowed us to really picture our next few years. We'll start our united life with whatever delights and necessities our loved ones gift us in the coming months, and I think that's seriously cool community support. What an awesome thing to feel so (potentially? since we don't know if we'll get really anything?) loved and supported! We stopped at Kroger for potluck contribution supplies, then went to Ellwood Thompson's for a Barefoot Bucha fill up. At home we had some time to prep the food for later cooking, read, and listen to chill music.
For dinner, my mentor and her husband graciously hosted us for some super tasty burritos before we ventured to the north side for some DANCIN'. Music ranged through a few decades but the bulk of it was form the 1970s. The style and movements were unfamiliar to our 90s babies' bodies, but it didn't matter. I just went with the flow and copied people, and Bryan just moves in the same amount of awkward no matter the type of music or situation. Even with his lack of attention to the actual beat, dancing with my betrothed was a hella fun way to spend my evening while meeting my step count goal. Drink tickets came with our entry, but since Bryan doesn't enjoy alcohol, we ended up getting 7 drinks instead of 4; all but 5 were Northern Neck ginger ale (a Bry fave) and 2 were some dang tasty pinot noir (a Steph delight). Throughout the evening we had wonderful talks with Karen & Jim who not only fed us but bought us tickets to the dance.
Once home, we (predominantly Bryan) began cooking our stuffed mushrooms for tomorrow's fellowship lunch. I frantically grabbed my computer and started recording this gem of day.
None of our undertakings were monumental, yet throughout the day one of would comment on how great everything seemed at that (and all) moments. It was simple, average, and potentially boring. Despite that, it was a sunny, glorious, busy, praise-worthy Saturday I needed to record. The time spent together doing normal tasks was wonderful. It makes me really appreciate the value in a lifelong partner, a person who can turn the mundane into joy with the elementary addition of presence.
I so look forward to our seemingly far away future days like this one. Spent simply but together, they are little nuggets of rejuvenation for me, and I believe they at least somewhat are for my severely introverted fiancé.
What a wondrous time we have and hopefully we be given.
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