Thursday, January 26, 2012

A friend loves at all times. Hummus not required.

I lied about delving into the root of our obsession with social media. Today I pondered as I wandered on better things

Though I woke up at 4am, it has been a fruitful, joyful, non-zombie day. I did doze uncontrollably in a few of my classes, but no longer than a few moments. It seemed my body was either fully up and hyper and alert or teetering on the verge of comatose. 

Tonight was a lot of fun in the Hogwild band! Perhaps the game should not have been as close as it was, but it did make for a more exciting night. I got Hogwild member of the game! It was tweeted, pic and all by @HogwildBand. But alas, I will not see that for a while! A definite highlight was the B-squad tryout. Bobby and I went for it tonight. SUCH a blast. Dancing, whooping, laughing, and so much lawl. We made callbacks! 

Something I realize more every day: I have good friends. 

They like guacamole. And cilantro-lime rice. And cookie cake. And smoothies. And really most things I cook.

Some of them love hummus and chai tea... but not all. (see below) 

They aren't all in this picture, albeit a good one. Below I speak for/about those shown and those not, both for ones in Fay and very far away. I do believe you know who you are. ; ] 

The Lord has given me quality companions with whom I consider it a supreme honor and huge blessing to serve, love, and confound with riddles. We break bread (often with honey) and sometimes couches. We stomp too loudly and play games while cats chill in the refrigerator. They knit me scarves, squeeze acidic things my broken hands can't handle, burn brilliant CDs, pick perfect limes, steal free apples, dance at Hogwild games, troll wholeheartedly, turbokick like crazy, rally for games of spades, share tasty music, write forever long emails, wear shirts about trombone, write letters and postcards from far off places, travel the country, debate Caddo/Osage, journey on the bike trails, learn through ministry, give amazing hugs, and occasionally take out the trash. I love having them as a reason to open my kitchen and small home, practicing one of a great many callings He has been good to give me. For them I will continually lay down my life, following the Example, and hoping to share perfect Light and glorious Love all along the way. They are my Brothers, my Sisters, my sincere friends

For them and much much more I do praise Him all my days.

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