You've probably never heard of us....
But you definitely want to.
Influences: Gungor, Sufjan Stevens (but not Age of Adz), Vampire Weekend, Streetlight Manifesto, mewithoutYou, Freelance Whales, NEEDTOBREATHE, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes, Page CXVI, Tally Hall, Regina Spektor, The Avett Brothers, Charlie Chaplin, Mario Kart Love Song (the song, not a band), Noah and the Whale, All Sons & Daughters, Ella Fitzgerald, Trololololol guy, Vocal Spectrum, The Civil Wars, The Carpenters, Rick Astley, Gregorian chant (the type of music, not the band), The Weepies, Brooke Fraser, Mozart, Bon Iver, She & Him, Matt & Kim, Lecrae, Nyan Cat, Sixpence None The Richer, Mumford and Sons, Nickel Creek, Straight No Chaser, John Denver & The Muppets, Jenny & Tyler, Andrew Bird, Ingrid Michaelson, Cake, old Disney movies (the movies, not a band), The Partridge Family, The Addams Family, Rocky Votolato, Haydn, Slow Club, David Crowder Band, Ben Folds, Anais Mitchell, Brett Dennen, Billy Holiday, David Bazan/Pedro the Lion, The Marvelous Breadfish, Harry Connick Jr., Julia Nunes, Iron & Wine, Matisyahu, The Beatles, Jesus (the Savior, not a band)
Namesake: Meet Kinsey Grace! [last name: Wallace]
Purdy, ain't sheh?
In actuality, her name is complete happenstance. Her parents just picked random letters! It works for some. The band is not named after her.
Anyway, on our EPIC road trip of spring break 2011 [see pics HERE! And again right HERE!!] we stopped in Kinsey, TX to delight in organic falafel and meet the ambassador of Rottnest Island. As we were driving out of town, we noticed a cardboard sign pointing down a desolate gravel road. It read "GRACE REVIVAL - live music!" and on a whim, we took the fated turn down the road. We parked the small red car out with the others in a field, and followed the roadside lanterns about 200 yards. Under a massive yellowed canvas tent was a most glorious sight. Surrounded by candles and an attentive, reverent crowd, the small band sang in glorious harmony as a lone mandolin plucked out a simple yet compelling countermelody. The specific hymn escapes me, but so much is still so clear. As we slowly approached the back of the large tent, the smell of spring at dusk settled around. I stood amazed beside my friends, afraid to blink or make a sound in fear of it disappearing as a dream. The band finished the second verse and the whole group joined in for a chorus. An acoustic guitar and a cello began to sound from the stage, and our captivation deepened. We joined in, melding in the smooth, praise-filled melody. Even the grasshoppers joined in worship. The tent seemed to sway with emotion as those within were consumed with thanks, fellowship, and His glory. Love soared straight through that yellowed, tattered canvas and up and beyond. The hymn decrescendoed gently and ended with just those on stage humming with the mandolin. After a small sigh and a smile, the band picked up their array of instruments and started in on a quick-paced tune. It was a giddy folk tune, catchy and fun and completely unfamiliar. We went to find seats near the back, but were grabbed by strangers and thrown into a clapping, dancing circle of joyous people. After a few wonderful tunes proclaiming the beauty of Light and unending joy, the cellist grabbed Kinsey's hand and drug her on stage. She handed her a triangle. The guy on fiddle came to me, Josh, and Ed. He smiled a huge smile and corralled us on stage. We were handed random percussion instruments and the band played a medium tempo song. In the euphoria, our nerves were consumed and we simply played from the heart. It honestly wasn't that good, but it didn't matter. After the hilarious experience, the fiddle guy led the 4 of us off stage and told us how thankful he was for our good attitudes and high sprits. We stayed into the night, praising in hymns or fast folk jams and chatting with all and being amazed. We had somehow found an improbable pocket of wonder; this was no longer Texas or a world we knew. As we drove away hours later, we had little to say. Each of us had plenty to contemplate in our own heads and hearts. We were simply overcome with Awesome.
Soon after we formed the Kinsey Grace Revival Band. An EP is in the works, and the picture below is our potential album art. Stay tuned. : ]
Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire. - Hebrews 12:28-29